Almost every day people tell me that they wish they could take photos like mine but feel it is an unreachable goal, only to be accomplished with top-of-the-line, expensive equipment. In this new e-book, I provide an introduction to the world of landscape photography, making it easily understandable while also showing how you can do it on a very limited budget. Getting Started in Landscape Photography is your guide to taking the first steps in this wonderful art.
News from Erik Stensland
November 3, 2012: Out of the Rain
This past October I took my yearly autumn photo trip. Once again I went to the Pacific Northwest to enjoy something different from shooting in the mountains. This year I was met by lots of rain. I had originally intended to spend most of my time photographing the ocean but the rainy conditions made the rainforests and waterfalls a better option. It was very wet but very greeen and as always it was very refreshing. Have a look at some of the images I captured on this trip.
December 30, 2011: Best of 2011
At the end of each year I like to sit down and sort through the hundreds of photos I've taken throughout the year to find the ones I like the most. This is a very subjective process and a lot of it has to do with my personal experience while taking the photos. So, my choices may be very different from what you would choose. I would also guess that in a year or two I will have a completely different opinion about these and put together a very different list. Anyway, I've chosen 11 images to represent my work for the year 2011. Have a look and let me know which ones are your favorites.
November 1, 2011: Autumn in the Pacific Northwest
At the end of October 2011 I made my yearly autumn trip. The purpose of these trips is primarily to give me a chance to unwind and enjoy some days of solitude after a busy summer season. I typically head to the desert southwest which I really enjoy but on my last trips I ran into so many people who knew me that I decided I needed to go somewhere that I could just be anonymous. I figured it would be cold and rainy in the Pacific Northwest so that is where I went. I spent a week traveling through Olympic National Park in Washington and the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon. It was an amazing trip and the weather was anything but rainy for most of my visit. I came home refreshed and with a lot of photos. If you're interested click on the photo to have a look.
June 1, 2011: 2011 Spring in the Southwest
In early May I managed to run away for a week to enjoy my yearly spring trip to the desert. This is where I unwind after months of being trapped in the gallery and begin to prepare myself mentally for the busy photographic season which lies ahead. It is always so much fun to run away from winter for a little bit and get an early taste of spring. On this trip I alternated from visiting heavily traveled spots to more remote locations. Have a look at some of what I saw.
April 4, 2011: Trip to the United Kingdom
In mid-March my family and I traveled to the UK to spend some time with my wife's family. It was a short trip and my priority was spending time with family but I still managed to get out and do a little photography. We spent time in Cornwall, Devon, Herefordshire and Wales. It was wonderful to be back there and a nice change from the mountains. To see my trip images follow this link.
November 10, 2010: New Blu-ray Disk
At the end of November we released our newest product; a high definition Blu-ray Disk presenting the beauty of Rocky Mountain National Park. We've chosen to use Blu-ray as it allows us to present each of the 300+ images in gorgeous detail. The idea is to allow you to bring high quality photos into your living room and show them on your HDTV. This Blu-ray Disk is designed to run in the background, slowly transitioning from one photo to the next and showing Rocky Mountain National Park as it moves through the seasons of the year. It is accompanied by the relaxing music of Brian Crain and is a great way to help transport you back to this magnificent national park. To order or for more information follow this link.
July 4, 2010: I-Phone Guide to RMNP
If you have an I-Phone or an I-Pod Touch then you might be interested in a new product which has just been released. It is an application designed to help you photograph Rocky Mountain National Park. It makes use of 150 of my photos showing you where they were taken, the best time of day to photograph the exact location the image was taken from as well as other information about how to best shoot the area. The application also has a number of other tools such as an itinerary planner, sunrise and sunset information, hyperfocal distance assistance as well as tools to help you share your time in Rocky Mountain National Park with others via social networking sites. The application is being released in conjunction with the Rocky Mountain Nature Association. You can find it at:
June 10, 2010: Spring in the Desert
This spring I once again spent about a week in the desert southwest. Just before and just after the busy season here in Estes Park I like to run away to the desert for personal refreshment and to photograph something different. On this trip I spent about half my time in Zion National Park and the other half along the Arizona / Utah border. I never thought it would happen, but my imagination has been completely captured by sandstone. This simple material reveals itself in a myriad of forms and colors. It almost dances to the light, revealing new and unseen aspects with each movement of the sun.